Thank you once again, Sara Harned, for the opportunity at this new location! We are thrilled about what Suntan will soon offer. The teachers came down to meet me at the new site, and we discussed all the exciting possibilities. We are exploring pop-up opportunities and will have both an online store and a boutique, just like we did at our previous location.
In the next two weeks, we will be packing up the remaining items at our current location and moving everything to the new site by November 7th. There are a few things we need to set up before we officially open our doors at the new location. Unfortunately, we lost a lot in the storm, including displays and equipment. Any donations are greatly appreciated and will help us restore Suntan to its former glory.

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Suntan Art Center. Donations in any amount from friends, corporations, foundations, and the local, state, and federal government play an essential role in our ability to fulfill our mission to connect people to art through innovative community-orientated art and art education.
Suntan would not exist without the ongoing support of its friends and donors, and thank you for your support.
Our arts scholarship program reaches many secondary art students throughout Pinellas County School systems. Your generous gift will help sustain our mission to recognize and award student’s exceptional work.
Thank you for your generous donation. Your support will allow us to continue our purpose as a cultural art center, essentially educational and aesthetic in purposes, with a goal of stimulating awareness and appreciation of the visual arts.