Embracing Watercolors
A gentle guide for the new watercolorist
Instructor: Laurie Edwards

Wednesday 10:30am - 12:30pm
$15 per person / per class

If you want to learn watercolor, this class is your first step. We will go over the basics, such as identifying supplies, vocabulary of watercolor, color mixing, getting set up and the basic functional skills. We will cover relevant watercolor topics each week, to expand your knowledge while creating content designed to help you practice the techniques we’ve discussed. Additionally, we will cover how to complete individual masterpieces and have a ‘private showing’, mounting techniques, and travel tips. "Embracing Watercolors" is the perfect first class if you've never tried watercolors or are just beginning/coming back. The lessons are intended to give you a full overview of the medium, generate some excitement about the magic of watercolors, and build your basic skillset. My name is Laurie Edwards and I live in South Pasadena with my husband. I started watercolors three years ago and am excited to share my passion and knowledge with other students. I have gathered so much information from a beginner’s viewpoint that I want to provide an introductory class at a reasonable price.

Please bring the following items to class.
Round brushes* (I recommend this item from Amazon - (Click here for Amazon link) approx. $34
Flat 1” brush (I have a Princeton Heritage)
140 lb. watercolor paper (I prefer Arches) – 9x12* (I recommend this item from Amazon - (Click here for Amazon link) approx. $39
Mixed Media or Watercolor journal – 8x8* (I recommend this item from Amazon - (Click here for Amazon link) approx. $23
Palette – I recommend this item from Amazon (Click here for Amazon link) approx. $16
Paints – Nice professional grade, 12 hue starter set (Click here for Amazon link) approx. $50
Two water cups – For activating paint and rinsing brushes
Water spray bottle – For misting your palette and paper as needed
Paper towel – For water control
These are the colors in my palette, which I’ve curated over time, mostly Holbein with some Daniel Smith, QOR (Golden), and M. Graham brand paint:
Pyrrole Red
Nickel Azo Yellow
Prussian Blue
Rose Madder
Gamboge Nova
Cobalt Turquoise Light
Quinacridone Magenta
Yellow Ochre
Cobalt Blue
Indian Red
Quinacridone Gold
Phthalo Blue
Burnt Sienna
Leaf Green
Burnt Umber
Sap Green
Mineral Violet
Opera Rose
Veridian Hue
Neutral Tint